
    Are you believing God today?

    The patriarch of the major Abrahamic faiths, Abraham, was famous for doing that, for having faith.

    But not just any faith, a belief that was honed over years of success, like having a child at an old age, but also through missteps, like denying his marriage and taking sleeping with the maid.

    But while Abraham certainly shows us faithfulness, much more he shows us God's faithfulness! - how God continued to believe in Abraham - despite the cringe-worthy mistakes!

    That same God believes in you - despite the mistakes and mishaps you have made, you and I are challenged to believe in the journey! To believe that as we, too, hone or beliefs in God, God is doing wonders through us as well.

    So forgive yourself, look to God for strength, your own faithfulness comes from God's faithfulness!

    See you Sunday!

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