Got Faith?

‘Got Faith?’ It was more than just a cheeky t-shirt slogan for Jesus’ excited disciples when they came to him in Luke 17 asking, ‘Increase our faith!’ But instead of laying hands on them, re-baptizing them, or teaching them a secret ‘faith prayer’ – Jesus said something we find curious, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed you can tell a tree to plant itself in the sea, and it will.’
It’s a funny answer, and it’s a funny request.
Funny request, because as you and I have previously read in Luke, the disciples already had a lot of faith. In fact, they had pretty much turned into super heroes – In Luke 9 they had ministered to the multitudes - casting out demons, healing people. and their preaching had met with great success! What more ‘faith’ could the disciples want? What more could Jesus give? - which helps us understand Jesus’ answer.
When Jesus points out the amazing power of faith – that a mustard seed is all that’s needed to displace the elements – He’s not so much saying that it’s faith they don’t have – as much as he’s saying, it doesn’t take much of what they already have to do what they want to do.
Every day we go about our lives – living God’s life for us – and we find our fears threatening to over take us – will we get sick, lose our jobs, lose our houses, be bad parents, continue destructive habits – and we cry out, ‘Lord give us faith!’ What Jesus tells us is just what he told the disciples - we already have all we need to do what we’re supposed to do. Jesus lives inside of us. We have the ability to take whatever comes our way and live through it to the glory of God.
Jesus wants to affirm us, just as He did His disciples, that we need not be afraid of taking on what we’re being called to take on. We have the ability in us to be good workers, good parents, to lead Godly lives – we can get through our sicknesses, our unemployment and whatever catastrophe comes our way. It’s because we don’t walk alone. We don’t need a new book, a special prayer, or another seminar. We need to look to the One who dwells in our hearts – and concentrate on His presence and purpose for which He’s already given us more than enough faith.
Sins of Scripture – John Spong
Radical – David Platt
Wild Swans – Jung Chang