Your Moment May Be Coming: Are You Ready?


    I was chatting with the brawny and buff clerk at a car rental desk once who was tossing a football up and down.

    I asked him what was up - he said he had just had tryouts with 3 NFL teams and was waiting for his agent to call - and let him know if a lucrative contract was on offer - that at any moment he might leave his job as a clerk to become a pro football millionaire.

    I wonder, when Jesus called his fishermen disciples, who immediately dropped everything to follow him, if something similar was going on -

    Might this have been something they had been preparing and hoping for in the same way - perhaps they had dreams of trading their lives for something much, much bigger.

    This, of course, may be what's in store for you: are you seeing it, preparing for it, ready for it? Start preparing not just for who and where you are, but who and where you - and God - might want you to be?

    God did not give you that dream, vision, goal, or purpose for nothing - keep that hope burning! Prepare, be ready, hope - that call is coming.

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