Look for Love in Other People


    One of the best things we can do today is look for love in other people!

    That's who we are at our core, love, although we occlude it in a myriad of ways, thanks to our fears, insecurities, and basic needs for affirmation, acceptance, and admiration.

    But deep down, we were made by love in order to love.

    It is this season of epiphany, or revealing, we look for the ways Love is being revealed around us.
    And so, on Sunday we will meet this character named Nathaniel: and we see that Jesus is made known by making Nathaniel feel known.

    Today you will interact with people who are just dying to be known, to have you pay attention to them, care about them, endeavor to find the love in them.

    And that's why we are here! To find God, to find love in all People, in all things! Happy hunting!

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