Epiphany 2.0

  •  The old understanding of epiphany was seeing a star, and radically changing everything! Waking up smelling like booze and quitting cold turkey! Meeting the man of your dreams and flushing your cigarettes down the toilet forever.

    As dramatic as this is, it rarely works. Don't change your habit, first change your identity!

    As unforgettable as it was for the bishop to lay his hands on me did not convince me I was a priest, This did not change my identity. What makes me a priest is my daily prayer, Bible study, and determination to follow Christ and make the world better

    In other words, identify as a skinny person, asking what would a skinny person eat? And your exercise and nutrition habits will change.

    That's epiphany 2.0! Start embodying the kind of person you want to be, forming those habits, taking those actions, speaking that vocabulary, hanging out with those kind of people, and this is how you live into that person who you want to be, and, indeed, perhaps whom God is calling you to be.

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