Trim Your Lamps!


    What if you had to run a marathon tomorrow?

    Better dust off the running shoes!
    Better quit the Snickers bars for breakfast!

    Yes, if you're like me, a few things would have to change!

    So what if Jesus came tomorrow? Are there things we should not be doing now? Are there things we should be doing?

    We know we have certain habits and influences that we allow in our lives that are probably not bringing us any closer to heaven. What's keeping us from facing and changing these things?

    In parables and stories, Jesus asks us, are we living the kind of life today that prepares us well for tomorrow? What are the habits, practices, and day to day things we're doing that would make us proud to meet our maker?

    We have the strength of God inside of us! You can make that change, you can live into your best self,  and live that life that prepares you very well for our inevitable victory lap!

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