Living Saints!


    Welcome to the bittersweet start of November, All saints Day!

    This is when we honor the saints who have gone before us, it's kind of sad, but then we open our eyes to the saints who live among us.

    Which includes you and me.

    It's because saint hood is not a status we've earned, but an identity we adopt.

    You did nothing to become a saint, God did everything in calling you a saint.

    So if you are like me you want to pay it back, pay it forward!

    How do we do that?
    We live in to God's spark inside. Each of us, acting with compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and love! 
    Trade the forgiveness for the vengeance,
    The kindness for the belligerence,
    And remember those good people in your life who showed you how to do that.

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