Changes and Chances


    Years ago when my buddies and I were looking into parachuting for the first time...

    we discovered that if you want to leap out of a plane at 10,000 feet you have to be strapped to a the front of somebody whose done it many times before.

    Apparently the high emotion and sheer newness of the experience can blind rookies so they freeze, like deer in the headlights, so the person you're strapped to can be trusted to pull the rip cord.

    When we heard that, we signed right up!

    What risk would you take if you knew that someone had your back?

    Jesus once told the story that we'll hear about this Sunday - about three people who were given gifts to invest. One of the three was so scared he wouldn't do it: he didn't realize that someone had his back.

    You and I are here to do something new! 
    Quit taking the safe route. 
    Put yourself out there! 
    Take the risk! 
    Step out in faith, God has your back!

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