• Dawn and Daybreak

    There's nothing quite like the dawn.

    It's that time of day when things start to get illuminated. It's not yet daybreak, the sun has not fully risen. But there's a growing light that lets us all know of the impending sunrise.

    It's this time of day, between the dawn and the sunrise, that you and I live in right now.

    Our baptism marked our dawn. We know that the light is here. Christ is here. Sure, things are dim, the light is not as bright as it will be one day. But we know we are being held by a power that is bigger than us. We are being cared for and provided for by a God who is very present.

    And before we know it, the sunrise will greet us. Light in all its glory. We know brighter things are ahead. Reunions await. Shalom beckons. One day, the light in all its fullness will illuminate everything. This is where our future lies, fully enfolded in God.

    This Sunday begins the holy season of Advent. While we often think its purpose is to prepare us for Christmas, even more so it's to remind us of another world that is not fully present, but awaits us, when Jesus will return and holy peace will reign.

    So Advent is a time for us to embrace the dawn. We must remind ourselves that the light is here, we need not worry, we need not fret, we need to be encouraged and faithful in all our endeavors, fearless in the face of darkness and confident that the light will carry us.

    About what do we need to stop worrying?
    Of what do we need to let go?
    If we’re really living in the dawn, how can we lighten up? 
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