• The Most Challenging Week

    Advent’s most challenging week has arrived!

    John the Baptist takes center stage, and he's not here to comfort - but convict.

    He's asking all of Judea to repent. And if he came to us today, of what might he ask us to repent?

    Here’s a Top Ten list...
    • Not getting to know ourselves.
    • Refusing to face the demons.
    • Getting too busy to do it right.
    • Beating ourselves up for not meeting unrealistic expectations.
    • Giving up.
    • Refusing to be vulnerable.
    • Settling.
    • Not being hopeful.
    • Neglecting the poor.
    • Putting peace over justice.
    See yourself anywhere?

    Naming our shortcomings is the first step to improving upon them.
    So what are yours?

    Using Advent as a preview to a cozy Christmas and not as a challenge to dig in and do the work robs the season of its power. If Advent is about preparing, it’s more than fun and games. 
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