• Thank God for Kidney Stones

    My friend Terry had some excruciating pain in his abdomen.

    He visited the doctor and went through a series of extensive x-rays. The doctor discovered kidney stones. When I visited, Terry cursed those kidney stones, they were so painful and debilitating.

    The next day the doctor visited Terry, looking very serious. Apparently the x-rays had revealed something else, something unrelated but very serious: Terry had a cancerous, malignant, tumor that would need immediate extraction.

    Within hours, the doctors cut Terry open and successfully removed all the cancer.

    Now Terry tells me how much he appreciated his kidney stones.

    This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday. It's when we celebrate these kind of absurd dichotomies. The crucified peasant criminal hanging on the cross, is really the victorious King, the savior of the world.

    And it reminds us of the mysterious power that's at work in many of the challenges you and I are facing.

    What we curse and fear may actually be what we desperately crave and need.

    What we are painfully enduring is actually strengthening us.

    When we live through what broke us, we discover that it's made us more whole.

    Our pain may be our salvation.

    So let us not be short-sighted and conclude that God or life is neglecting, torturing, or abandoning us, but let us be strong and faithful knowing that through the good and the bad God is working in us that which is most needful for our salvation and the salvation of the world. 
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