• Epiphany

    Years ago I was working for ABC in Los Angles and word went out that The Emmys needed volunteers.

    I signed up.

    When the day came, I found myself milling around the lobby before being approached by a starlet in a popular sitcom who clearly thought I was someone else. We chatted for a bit. She introduced me to a few of her friends who were going out for drinks. And I admit I was tempted to go along with the ruse. But I finally admitted I was not there to get an award, but to help with crowd control. My stock dropped quicker than Enron’s.

    It can be so tempting to be who we’re not.

    Yep, it’s fun pretending. But we know in our hearts, as our faith reminds us, that our deepest contentment will always come by being who we are. God often sends us epiphanies to help us do this. And in this liturgical season we open ourselves up to accepting the mirrors and spotlights that assist us in this deeply holy work.

    Pray with me; Lord help me be, not who I want to be, but who you want me to be. For your kingdom comes as all your people play the parts you’ve given us. Help us to be content in ourselves and stop striving to be a poor imitation of someone else.
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