• God Can Do It

    I had coffee with a friend this week.

    She told me about how she got fired. It was a job way outside her field of study and interest – one that she didn’t even want. But things had gotten that bad. She couldn’t even hold a lousy job

    So she went home to sulk. It was the lowest she had ever been.

    Clicking on her computer with one hand, while gripping a pint of Haagen Daz in the other, she found the friend on social media, whose newborn inspired her to comment, who replied he had a job opening, who introduced her to her new boss, who needed help on a current project, that would go south, leading her to a new project, that would lead to years of employment and give her the most noteworthy credential she may ever have on her resume.

    Time and again you and I discover that God takes care of us.

    It’s rarely in the way we plan. It’s rarely the way we can predict.

    But time and again you and I are shown that God can do it.

    This Sunday’s gospel will attest to this – as well as 2016 that lies ahead of us.

    My wish for us is that we would relax – rest in God, and let go.  Friends, time and again God shows us his faithfulness. May we find the faith and strength to believe that God is working everything out – and it’s all going to be OK.
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