• Time to Get Up

    My friend lives in a home with a lot of stuff.

    Mostly it’s books. And he’s collected a lot of them. Over the years people have remarked about his vast inventory – as well as their rampant disorganization. More than one person has offered to help him clean up and clean out his house.

    Then one day, someone gave him a new book. It was about personal organization. My friend read it, got up from his reading chair, and cleaned out his house. In 24 hours. Safe to say, his life was changed.

    What a magical moment it is when we get up. It is a mysterious intersection of grace and gumption. It is the tapping in to a potential we suspect is always bubbling away underneath the fragile earth’s crust of our realities. Oh, the gift it is to get up!

    In getting up we discover that fearful notion that no matter how difficult our circumstances, no matter how many bad decisions, poor assumptions, broken dreams, and narrow aspirations – we have the potential, even the right, to expect to live rich and satisfying lives. Jesus really promises abundance and eternity.

    So here’s the dangerous question: Is it time to get up? And do what? Do we dare ask God for a push? Go ahead. You’ve been challenged. Time to get up.
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