• Beatitudes are Not Sudoku

    Here’s my take on the Beatitudes:

    Blessed are you:
    When you’re poor because you gave your money away.
    When you’re hungry because you gave your sandwich away.
    When you’re sad because you’re helping your depressed friend.
    When you’re not part of the ‘cool crowd’ because following Jesus pretty much guarantees you won’t be a part of the cool crowd.

    Unblessed are you:
    When you’re living the high life really selfishly.
    When you overate because you didn’t share.
    When your life is primarily about entertaining yourself.
    When you are king of the cool club because having other people like you is really what life is all about.

    So the beatitudes aren’t like solving a sudoku– rather they’re pretty obvious statements about what it means to lead a Christian life – and pretty much a happy and fulfilling life in general.

    I think we hear them on All Saints’ Day (we’re celebrating it Sunday) because the saints are the ones who’ve figured this out – and really want us to get this.

    So read ‘em again and be blessed.

    Unapologetic – Francis Spufford
    The Distant Mirror – Barbara Tuchman

    Free- Mark Scandrette
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