• The Big Picture

    Boy what a rotten day it's going to be!

    All of the up close spots are taken and I have to park in the back 40. That printer that holds 500 sheets needs refilling when I'm trying to print a 3 page doc. The kid with grimy hands touched my new jeans and they'll need to go back into the wash.

    As if any of these things are a big deal: so I get a bit more exercise by walking 20 yards further, I'm delayed 30 seconds restocking the printer, and jeans will have to go back to the wash someday anyway. Yet how often to I allow these tiny things to anger me, frustrate me, and turn my day into a 'bad day'?

    God grant me one gift today: to stop whining at life's slight imperfections.

    For just one day I would love to have the gift of seeing the big picture: I am loved, I am cared for, my worst fear (death) will actually be my greatest moment of joy (seeing God).

    Lord, help us all get a view of your big picture.

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