Was it the first time you held a baby?
Was it getting that dream job?
Was it getting that all clear from the doctor?
Your moment of elation, unbridled and unadulterated joy - and what did you do?
When that moment, that feeling, that fulfillment came to the pregnant mother Mary in the Bible, she let loose with a song that remains with us 2,000 years later.
It's called Mary's Magnificat, Latin for magnify.
It's because that's what we want to do on those rare moments, those lifetime milestones, when we've won, we've hit it, we've scored.
The Magnificat is a calculated response, an intentional expression that invites participation.
What's your magnificat?
How would you articulate that joy, that wondrous elation, as a way to remember God's Good gifts, form us into a more thankful people, and testify to the world of God's goodness?
I'm curious - and would love to hear your Magnificat!
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