• Field Day at the Jordan


    John, the Baptist would have a field day today!

    John was the guy who called everybody out to the river to repent,​ enraged at an unjust system in which everyone was culpable

    We can hear him today, screaming over the fact that​ 80% of ​American wealth is controlled by 1% of the people​, 43% of Americans can't afford ​an unexpected $400 bill.​ Affordable medical care is perilously out of reach for ​too many people, who are literally dying in the clutches of a broken system.

    ​And did you notice that John's outrage exonerates no one​? 

    If you have two coats, give one away, two shirts? Give one away!

    Want to change the system? Change yourself!

    Don't be satisfied with ​a status quo that just assumes poverty and suffering for no small amount of people!

    But work on yourself, It works on the system, because what we've got, clearly isn't working​.

    John's call to action inspires us to be alert to our surroundings, especially the suffering of others, and to do something, no matter how small to alleviate it. In this season of quiet preparation and soul searching, may John's message speak to us anew and inspire us to follow his example.

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