• Bonsai!


    A man was moved by awe and wonder at the first sight of a bonsai tree.

    He immediately bought one and enrolled in a class to learn to care for it.

    "Watch out for how much sun, water, and fertilizer it gets! Be on the lookout for insects. Regularly monitor the PH of the soil!"

    Within a few months his awe and wonder had turned to ritual duty, as he poured over checklists and almanacs - slowly losing sight of the majesty before him, as he let himself became consumed by the task of caring for it.

    This Sunday we hear Jesus confront a group of religious people who had done just that!

    The awe and wonder of God had been displaced by ritual and service - as their work for God overshadowed their relationship with God...

    So much so, that when God showed up right in front of them, they could not recognize it!

    The heart of our faith is relationship!
    How are we making our time with God more important than our work for God?

    See you Sunday.

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