• You Just Got a Promotion!


    You just got a promotion - will you take it?

    That's right, Jesus whom we call Lord, has actually asked us to call him "friend!"

    It's a subtle change in how the Lord considers you and me - no longer as servants, but as friends (John 15 in this Sunday's gospel).

    What does this mean to be a friend? Well, it asks us to up our game. 

    Friends share equal status and responsibility for making the relationship work and making the work go forward. Moving out of the servant's quarters, and into a corner office means we not only enjoy a better salary, benefits, and snazzy title, but we also have responsibilities and the duties that the servant never had.

    Our promotion allows us to grow up, to live into our potential, and to be the driving force of positive change in the world God created us to be. I think this Sunday's gospel asks us to contemplate what kind of relationship we want with Jesus - and that he has made it clear that he wants to partner with us - doing the difficult but needful work of self-sacrifice, reconciliation, healing, and love.

    Let us take a moment and contemplate this blessed promotion and do our part to be a good friend.

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