• Eating Fast


    When I was a teenager I ate so quickly.

    And 20 minutes later, like clockwork, I could feel it! Yes, we all know it takes about 20 minutes for us to begin feeling satiated after a meal, but time and time again I didn't pay attention to that.

    It took experience, getting older, for it to finally sink in.

    This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. 
    For Jesus' followers, this was the time when it finally sunk in.

    They had heard him preach for years, seen him heal, feed, and stand up for righteousness.

    They had seen him die, rise from the dead, and ascend into heaven.

    This was over a period of years.

    And when they finally got it, on this iconic Jewish holiday called Pentecost we see God show up, empowering them like never before, to go out and do the works that they had witnessed.

    We ask ourselves how long will it take us to get it?

    Has our Pentecost come?
    How are we commemorating it?
    Or are we still waiting for it? For time and experience to sink in?

    I bet there is a lesson, a reminder, a red flag even, in your life that you have been putting off, denying, and not allowing to sink in;
    Like eating too quickly
    Pentecost invites you to look at this, look for this, for your good, and the good of others.

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