• Let It Go!


    When somebody's dumb driving forces you to hit the brakes to avoid a crash, don't act like you've never done the same thing.

    No matter how careful we are, we're all human and make mistakes!

    When it's our fault, we want people to understand and cut us some slack.

    But when it's their fault, we get angry, upset, and want to tell the other person off!

    Treating other people like we want to be treated means fighting back the urge to retaliate, play vigilante - and put ourselves in their shoes -

    - understanding they may be having a bad day,
    be going through a tremendous challenge,
    or may just have made a mistake.

    Three words: let it go!

    Don't let someone else's bad behavior inspire imitation!

    The God inside you gives you power to forgive,
    power to turn the other cheek,
    power to rise above the offensiveness - and hold on to your happiness!

    3 words: let it go! 

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