• The Power of Welcome

     My young daughter and her friend started theater camp this week - with dozens of people they've never seen before.

    Both of these middle schoolers talked about how hard it is to get to know the other campers. Everyone has come from other schools, different grades, and other neighborhoods - these girls talked about how awkward it is to break the ice with strangers.

    Ya, we get it.

    We all worry about what other people think of us, if we can really be accepted for who we are, and welcomed for the unique presence we bring.

    In fact, when it comes to welcoming, the things we find easiest to welcome seem to be worry, anxiety, and fear.  Our minds are constantly buzzing with the negative: not only about being accepted, but, Will things work out with my job? Will my relationships make it in the long run? What about the medical challenges I'm facing?

    But Jesus has something important to say about the things we welcome: He asks us to welcome him and all the things he stands for.

    That means we don't welcome fear, worry, anxiety, and pressure - we welcome abundance, possibility, blessing, hopefulness, and the power to overcome.

    Today I'd like to invite you to welcome some of these things into your life.

    What if we welcomed new relationships - seeing them as the blessings they can be?

    What if we welcomed other people's advice - if we took a bite of humble pie and really listened to the guidance others may have for us?

    What if we welcomed help, we know we'd rather give it than take it, but what blessings might await us if we took others up on their offers of assistance?

    And what if we welcomed new opportunity, instead of shutting things down because we've never done it before, what if we were more open to new possibilities?

    The abundant life begins by welcoming the right things into our lives.
    Be welcoming, be blessed. 

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