• Somebody Famous Was Arrested This Week


    Somebody famous was arrested this week.
    Yep, everybody expected it.
    In, fact, things were so tense, authorities worried a riot would break out.
    So they meticulously orchestrated it, and made sure plenty of armed enforcement was on hand.

    As the accused surrendered to his fate, some celebrated, some booed, some called it justice, others scorned it as a travesty.
    Some wanted to set him free, others wanted to kill him.

    In the end, he willingly gave himself up to authorities.
    He stood silently before his accusers.
    He didn't answer anybody's questions.
    - although he was very, very rich -
    - although he was very, very powerful.

    And if we want details, we can read about it in any newspaper in the world.
    Indeed, for some, Donald Trump's legal battles have become an obsession.

    But in this holy week, there's another arrest story vying for our attention.

    This is a story you know quite well because down through the years it has brought you, and untold billions of people, life, peace, healing, restoration, and salvation.

    And, like every year, the recounting of this story is never convenient or easy.
    It means putting aside other stories,
    Paying less attention to other priorities,
    Making a serious effort to set the story of Jesus above all others.

    So friends, in this Holy Week, fight off the distractions,
    Make Holy Week the powerful engine room to a life ablaze with hope and possibility!

    At this very moment, there are people languishing in prisons, scrounging through garbage cans looking for a meal, one million of our public school children are homeless, thousands of people will be evicted from their homes today.

    And the solutions to these big, looming problems always begin with small, seemingly insignificant decisions - the resolve to live outside of ourselves and to help others, as Jesus taught us to do. And the stories we make room for in our minds will determine the actions we take to live the selfless, charitable, and loving lives we want to live.

    Headlines will come and go.
    Distractions and detours will always abound.
    But in this story we find the keys to eternal life, the foundation stones to the healing of the world.

    Make room for that story this week.
    Open your hearts anew to its message.
    Draw closer to God, and God will draw closer to you. 

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