• Promises, Promises


    Upon entering the museum with the toddler, he made a bee-line for the gift shop and immediately glommed onto a little stuffie - with instant admiration.

    Mom and Dad walked over and put the stuffie back on the shelf.
    They explained that there was an entire museum to tour before they would consider souvenirs.
    But they promised they would return.

    The toddler relented, unhappy, but taking solace in the promise that he would come back - and that his deep desire would be met.

    This Sunday is Palm Sunday.

    It marks the triumphant celebration of Jesus, our king, entering the Holy City of Jerusalem to begin the long-promised reign of God.
    However, the Romans and corrupt religious authorities would not make that easy.

    The celebration would quickly turn into an angry mob scene, ending in the arrest, torture, and death of Jesus.
    His followers would flee in terror, giving up on their messianic hopes, cowering in fear, certainly considering any further developments improbable, even impossible.

    But the magic of Palm Sunday is in the lingering promises of Jesus.

    He told his disciples, numerous times, that this would happen, that he would not leave them alone, that he would return.

    Today you and I face fears, threats, and anxieties of our own over a myriad of problems - to which, Jesus has also made promises.

    Wherever we find ourselves today, Jesus has said he will provide for us. 
    Jesus has said he will forgive us.
    Jesus has said he will accept us.
    Jesus has said he will be with us - and never leave us

    Palm Sunday invites us to remember Jesus’ promises that yes, he will return, to fulfill our deep desires. 

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