• Advent Bargains

     Ever make a bargain with God?

    My friend did.

    She was having problems with a coworker, and said a prayer: "God, if you resolve this problem, I'll believe in you and start acting like it!" Sound familiar?

    To her surprise, she was suddenly struck with an urge, that she attributes to God, to apologize to this coworker.

    "Apologize!?" She said to herself, "But I didn't do anything wrong!"

    However, she thought she was hearing a voice of truth. So she came up with an apology. She would say she was sorry for not working harder to understand her coworkers point of view.

    When she called the coworker and made her apology, her co-worker broke down in tears and said she was the only person at work who understood her.

    From that point on, my friend never had problems with that coworker.

    Trusting God's voice is at the heart of Sunday's Gospel when we run into this character named Joseph, who is not known for anything he wrote or said, but for his simple acts of obedience - of believing what the Divine voice had told him - which led to the greatest adventure of his life.

    In a dream, an Angel comes to Joseph and tells him to believe something preposterous, that his fiance is pregnant not only by someone else, but by God! And Joseph unquestionably received this and acted accordingly.

    And it makes me wonder what impossible things God is asking me to believe?
    How about that God will take care of everything?
    Or believing that I am loved, accepted, and enough for myself and for God?
    Or believing that everything I do, no matter how small, is significant, and matters to God and God's plan?

    These things may sound quite trite and simple compared with what Joseph was asked to believe, and maybe that's the point?
    Maybe God is telling us that faith is simple, sure not easy, but simple, it's believing that voice we’ve all heard, taking it at face value, and obeying it.

    What is that voice saying to you and me?
    How is God trying to assure, comfort, guide, or instruct us?
    In taking that voice more seriously, might there be an adventure for us, to rival Joseph's? 

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