• How to Keep Our Babies Safe


    While previous generations practiced tornado drills in elementary school, today, as we know, it’s active shooter drills.

    Both of these are downright scary.
    They come without warning, can be deadly, and are most certainly dreaded.

    What makes them worse is that they happen to the most defenseless segment of our population - and to the object of every parents' highest affection: our children.

    And just like other threats we deal with, it’s not so much that this might happen in our schools, but that we fear it could. 

    Thus, their biggest impact can be an increased level of alarm, trepidation, and anxiety that, then, pervades our surroundings, becomes part of our culture, and thus affects the mental health and stability of our children.

    The answer, then, is to create different atmospheres: auras of peace and calm. It’s to give off authentic vibes of confidence and faith in how we see the world as Jesus sees it.

    This Sunday is Pentecost. Here’s a helpful video to remind you of what it’s about.

    We mark this event as the coming of the Holy Spirit.

    What does that mean?

    It means that you and I are not left to deal with an increasingly anxious and worrisome culture all by ourselves.

    On this day we remember that Jesus has sent us a spiritual reminder of his ever-presence. 

    The Holy Spirit's job is to prompt us to recall the things that Jesus said, that we are valuable, important, created to do vital work. We are precious, irreplaceable, and imbued with heavenly purpose. And that we are never, ever, outside of God’s loving embrace.

    And while we often limit the power of the Spirit to the Pentecostal images of rushing wind or tongues of fire - the Spirit's most visible manifestation - like the Spirit herself - is unseen.

    We see the Spirit at work in the hope, courage, confidence, trust, ambition, relentless dedication, and a sincere sense of calling and mission of the saints. These are the gifts of the Spirit.

    You and I are living through scary times.

    And when we walk with hope, courage, confidence, trust, and a sincere sense of calling and mission, this is how we walk in the Spirit.

    So how are we reminding ourselves that God’s spirit is here?
    What are we watching?
    Which websites are we visiting?
    What books, tv shows, apps and podcasts are we allowing to influence us?

    Let Pentecost mark a new era of putting Spirit-filled influences before our eyes, in our ears, and on our hearts so that we can create these atmospheres of peace and calm in our homes. 

    Want to keep our babies safe? This is a great start.

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