• Please Cry...


    Please Cry over Uvalde.
    Please Cry over Buffalo.
    Please take a moment to read the background of just one victim. Get to know, even briefly, one human life that has been cut short because of the culture we have created.

    Please pray for Uvalde.
    Please pray for Buffalo.
    In your prayer closet imagine the feelings and emotions the victim's families and friends are experiencing. Feel their anger, grief, and devastation at the culture we have created.

    Please worry about Uvalde.
    Please worry about Buffalo.
    Please consider the fear and anxiety felt by these communities that have forever lost their innocence. Take a moment to consider the worries we all now share because of the culture we have created.

    Please care about Uvalde.
    Please care about Buffalo.
    Resist the urge of the Pharisee, to walk past a suffering victim, instead of stopping to help. Consider what a Good Samaritan would do  about the culture we have created.

    Please act on Uvalde.
    Please act on Buffalo.

    There are substantial reforms on offer that propose common sense ways to change the culture we have created. Find one that works for you. Allow your compassion, empathy, and altruism to shine. Be fueled by your optimism and ambition. Beat back the apathy and lies that tell us that things can't change.  We have created this culture. We can create another one. 

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