• You Were Created to Love


    I’m re-laying 76 concrete pavers in my backyard.

    After I removed them I raked and leveled the ground underneath in preparation for re-laying them. That’s when a handyman friend of mine told me that before I do that I should lay a thick foundation of sand.

    Part of me protested: what does it matter? Isn’t the ground level enough? Nobody will notice the difference. But my friend argued that the pavers would drain better and stay in place longer if I spent more time laying the foundation.

    When it comes to laying foundations it’s important to pay attention.

    Like when we answer that foundational question: why are we here? 

    Ignatius Loyola said we’re here to give praise to God and bask in God’s glory. The Westminster shorter catechism says, 'man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.'

    But I have come to believe that our foundation, the reason we’re here, is neither of these. It is to love.

    Sure, I think basking, praising, and glorifying God are important, but we are meant to love. 

    This love is not passive, but active. This is a love that goes out, creates, reconciles, encourages, and hopes. It is a love that studies, practices, and perfects. This love is not about contemplation, it’s about action.

    This Sunday we are kicking off a sermon series called Awakening. It’s about waking us up to the central message of the Gospel, which is love. I believe that in discovering the depths of what the Bible teaches about love, we are awakened to the abundant life Jesus intents for us (John 10:10).

    Are you feeling burned out by COVID? Are you anxious, worried, struggling with your faith? Apathetic or just plain tired? Then join me in this series that has the potential to jump-start your faith and your life. 

    I believe our happiness comes when we proactively love. It’s what we were created to do.

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