• Who Do You Say That I Am?


    When Jesus asked that iconic question at Caesarea Philippi note how his disciples responded. What did their heads say? What were their neighbors saying? What was their culture saying?

    Only Peter got it right, because Peter told Jesus what his heart said.

    During this time of Covid-19, I have to confess, my heart has taken a beating. 

    All of the rituals, traditions, habits and routines I have been used to, have been turned upside down. If feels like I threw my clothes in the washing machine while I was still in them. 

    And so it’s become harder to answer those basic questions: Who am I and who is Jesus to me?

    That’s when my heart speaks up - and I’m sure yours does too - because this is where Jesus lives. 

    And this is what Jesus says: "Don’t worry. I’ve got things under control. I know where the economy, election, and racial equality initiatives are going. I know your needs and I’ve got this. Now you, you simply be concerned with my work - heal your relationships, take care of your neighbors, live decently, and leave the rest to me."

    In these crazy times, let us draw closer to God and look to our hearts. Because that's where Jesus is - and where the right answers lie.


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