• The Hardest Thing

    The hardest thing we'll do today may be to believe that everything will work out.

    It’s to have faith.

    Faith is believing God is present in all things, all places, and at all times.
    Faith is believing there are no random encounters, no chance meetings, and not one moment in our day is void of purpose.

    Faith is believing that the deepest thing within us, is for us, and is actively working on our behalf.

    Faith, to paraphrase a popular prayer, is to say thanks for all that has passed, and yes to all that will come our way.

    This is why faith is the hardest and most rewarding thing we can do in life. And this is how faith leads to joy.

    We grow in faith through prayer, meditation, and by practicing our beliefs in deeds of love, staying true to the path before us, and keeping our eyes on our constant companion, Jesus.

    What does faith look like for you today?

    And how might we truly believe that God's got this? 
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