• The Fierce Gospel

    To emphasize the lamb as the pinnacle animal world icon for Christianity is to short sheet both the lamb and Jesus.

    After all, the lamb is often depicted as this defenseless, frightened, and shy creature whose life-purpose is to endure harm.

    Of course we understand the ideas of surrender and sacrifice the lamb exemplifies, but we also realize that there is a fierce side to Christianity that often gets lost in the mix.

    This Sunday we will hear Jesus tell stories about a shepherd who leaves the safety of 99 sheep to brave the wilderness and search for the lost one - and the story of a woman who loses one of 10 coins and turns the place upside down trying to find it.

    These are images of assertion and ambition - not apathy and passive acceptance.
    Think tiger, not lamb.

    Yes, we know the gospel is about going out, staking a claim, speaking with a firm voice about things that matter.

    We know the Gospel is about giving us courage to move out of the passive places in our lives, the places of no risk and little chance of failure - 

    God wants us to live our faith with daring - boldness - and grit.

    In what ways are we looking to our religion for courage more than solace? Bravery instead of comfort?

    Friends, the time is short for us to make our mark for good - let us not avoid risk and uncertainty - but be brave - trusting that stepping out in faith and trust - obeying God’s lead - is the way to go. 
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