• Enough?

    Will this one be the tipping point?

    Will enough people express enough outrage that our gridlocked ruling class finally accomplishes something substantive regarding gun violence?

    “Maybe” is a response I’ve heard - if enough people act. In the aftermaths of such tragedies you and I are not content with simply sitting on our hands and saying another prayer.

    If you’re like me, the arguments in favor of our present gun laws are growing increasingly weak. Here are the ones I hear:

    1) Any changes we make could not have prevented the El Paso and Dayton shootings. True. However, research shows that the more readily guns are available, the more likely there is to be a shooting. As Christians, who are called to work for a more peaceful society, limitations on the availability of guns is part of that. We didn’t prevent these shootings, but can we prevent the next one?  Here’s a helpful article. https://theconversation.com/six-things-to-know-about-mass-shootings-in-america-48934

    2) Gun control limits my rights. In the 1930’s and afterward the government has decided the citizenry shouldn’t own land mines, truckloads of explosives or nuclear weapons. We already have gun control. If Jesus is about anything, it’s freedom. However, our liberties must always regard their affects on others: gun ownership affects more than an individual, but a community as well. 

    3) Liberals won’t stop until all guns are banned. Most Americans have no problem with people going to gun ranges or hunting areas, but we do have a problem when our next door neighbor has assault weapons. Again, Jesus is not a kill-joy, but may likely ask us how his reign of peace is being extended by unbridled gun ownership.

    4) No one paid attention at Columbine, Newtown, or Orlando, we’ll forget about El Paso and Dayton by the next news cycle. Social changes that better our common life never come all at once. The civil rights strides of the 1960’s led to historic legislation, but the spirit of those laws has taken, and is taking, decades to catch up with us. Just because we can’t make big changes doesn’t mean we should not make little ones.

    So what are we to do?

    First off, let us not be apathetic or discouraged: God is at work bringing all of creation into fruition in Christ. Societally, we are getting more peaceful (here's a book that traces that). Change like this does not happen in our time, but God's.
    There’s a group of Episcopal bishops who are keeping this issue alive, you can keep track at www.bishopsunitedagainstgunviolence.org Certainly there are legislators to write, vigils to attend, and movements to be started. But let us never forget that it all starts with Jesus: where are we feeling led, and what are you being prompted to do in the wake of these shootings? (This post was adapted from a 2017 post)
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