
  • “I need another job.”

    That’s what my friend said the other day after he finished paying his bills for the week.

    “If I just had another $200 a month, I would be on easy street.”

    While it’s true that for the desperately poor, more money is the answer to a lot of problems, for most Americans, it isn’t.

    In fact, our attempts to root our security in money, possessions, power, or political candidates only takes us so far.

    For example, our Gospel reading on Sunday tells about a rich man who cultivated crops then stored them up, not knowing he was going to die that night.

    How much better off he would have been – and you and me – if we were to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit and enlarge the storehouses of our hearts – trusting that God will take care of us?

    When we seek first, the things that God asks of us, the rest always falls into place.

    After all, there are two ways to be rich: Like John D. Rockefeller and like St. Francis. One owned almost everything, the other needed almost nothing. One was rich with stuff, the other was rich with God.

    When we trust in God we always have enough.
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