• God is Nothing

    Go ahead, raise the dead.

    Become the person to whom billions pray.

    Be the most popular man whoever lived (without a dime to your name or a name worth a dime).

    Go ahead, you’ve been dared.

    Our inability to follow suit has nothing to do with the wondrous potential we have as humans and everything to do with the power, omniscience, and otherness of God; of God to be nothing.

    Nothing, as in no-thing.

    For God is no thing, God is not animal, vegetable, or mineral. He defies category, definition, and prediction. If Easter tells us anything it’s that God is far above, far beyond, yet mysteriously interested in loving it all.

    Easter bucks our human tendencies to make God a thing, often in the form of a lifestyle, habit, hobby, IRA, or relationship.

    Easter not only asks us to name our Gods, but to hold tightly to the no-thing-ness of God in a way that frees us from earthly tethers and re-awakens us to the possibility that our partnership with the Almighty might take us to places far beyond our most vivid thoughts, dreams, or earthly abilities.

    This Eastertide let us look beyond things and unto God, clearing out, making order, and re-discovering that our best selves really do dwell in a God who is no-thing.
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