• Facing Death

    John Updike famously wrote that, “Each day, we wake slightly altered, and the person we were yesterday is dead, so why … be afraid of death, when death comes all the time?” 

    The death of a relationship, a life-phase, a career, limb, or loved one - yes, Updike is right, we face death every day.

    Holy Week is an invitation to recognize the deaths around us, seeing them not as ends in themselves, but as the beginning, or at least the opportunity to begin anew.

    As we move together through the week ahead let's ask God about the things that need to be put to death.  What needs to go in order that something new may come? What needs to stay and be rekindled? In what ways can we recognize our transitory state in life, see how death routinely visits us, and make peace with our own mortality?
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