• Lord Have Mercy

           It doesn’t take long before the new guy in the office to become the
    center of attention.  Some people will talk about how handsome he is
    or isn’t.  Some people will talk about how smart he is or isn’t.  Some
    people will engage in endless banter on the ties he wears, the lunches
    he brings, or the looks he gives the receptionist.  We will make
    conscious or unconscious comparisons between him and us as we seek to
    win the approval of peers – the lower our self-esteem, the more
    critical we can be.  It is the condemnation of others for the shoring
    up of ourselves.  It is the foundation and the joy of gossip.

           As we all know, our shared tendency to define ourselves by defining
    others is as destructive as it is unhealthy.  It drives lepers into
    colonies and gay teens to suicide - it is at the heart of bullying.
    And at the center of this imprudent behavior can be a theological
    conviction – that shapes the way we see the world.

           In Luke 18 we hear the parable of a proud religious man who goes
    into the temple to pray.  He says, ‘God I thank you that I am not like
    other people; thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like that tax
    collector’ – for in another part of the temple stood a tax man, who
    was also praying – but whose prayer contrasted quite starkly with the
    religious man’s.  All the taxman would say was, ‘God, be merciful to
    me, a sinner!’

           Jesus uses this story to say that the tax collector, not the
    religious man, was in the right.  We notice this man who refused to
    use comparisons or put downs, or push himself up by beating others
    down.  Instead he centered his attentions on his own shortcomings and

           As we talked about last week, it’s been said that there are two
    types of prayer, ‘help’ and ‘thanks!’  However, here, Jesus reminds us
    of a third, which may be more difficult, more important, and not
    insignificant to the challenges Christians face today it’s the prayer:
    ‘Lord, have mercy.’  In a culture cacophonous with judgmental voices,
    especially religious ones – we do well to remind ourselves that the
    heart of Christianity is a gift – not discovered or improved upon by
    our own activities – but by contrite recognition of our own
    shortcomings before God.  There is no reward in our feelings of
    superiority, only in the discovery of God’s inconceivable mercy.

           In what ways do we judge, gossip, and seek to put ourselves above
    others?  Why do we do it?  And how can we make the prayer, ‘Lord have
    mercy’ – our prayer?

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