• Breaking Out

    What’s holding us back?
    What’s keeping us from moving?
    What’s preventing us from discovering, reaching beyond, and breaking out?

    There’s that flash of light.
    It’s got our attention, even for a moment.
    But it’s only a flash in the middle of the day - so quickly washed away and enveloped in the brighter lights that surround us.

    So must it have been for Zacchaeus - that flash of light came to him.
    But he did not let it go.
    He would not let it go.
    He dropped everything to move toward that light, and allow it to envelop him.

    So Zacchaeus hurried up a tree.
    He hurried down a tree.
    He gave half his money to the poor.
    He paid back the people he’d ripped off.
    Jesus said salvation had come to his house.
    Jesus had sent His light - and Zacchaeus let nothing in the world prevent him from finding it.

    Jesus is still sending His light.
    Every now and then it gets our attention.
    It’s a flash in the middle of the day - that can be so quickly washed away.
    But its desire is to be so much more.
    It wants to envelop us – to fill us so completely with all the things for which we most deeply yearn.
    It wants to make all the other lights around us become darkness.

    What’s holding us back?
    What’s keeping us from moving?
    What’s preventing us from discovering, reaching beyond, and breaking out?

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