When you take up the cause of the weak and the marginalized, expect to be commended to a point.
"You're opening a food pantry, holding a clothing drive, that's so nice!"
But watch what happens when you go from asking for donations for poor people - to asking why the richest country in the world has poor people?
When you take a stand for justice, liberation, and disruption of an injurious status quo, don't think, for a minute, there won't be pushback.
This is what we will find in Sunday's gospel when Pharisees come to Jesus warning him that King Herod is out to kill him.
"Oh, that Fox," is Jesus' reply, as he goes on with his business as usual.
His example is our example; Don't be swayed by the threats of the powerful and the intimidation of entrenched forces that seek to silence you.
Standing for Jesus means standing with Jesus who is always on the side of the weak, poor, persecuted, and marginalized.
Rise up, then, and take the outstretched hand of Jesus to that higher plane, where persecution and oppression are vanquished by truth and liberty.
Jesus' way is never the easy way, but it's always the right way.
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