The common Christian dream is to one day, be presented before the holy presence of God as a commendable and worthy servant
What do we yearn to present, other than a life of kindness, generosity, selflessness, forgiveness, and love!?
We want to be truth-tellers, merciful, helpers for the poor, impediments for the bullies! And walk in humility in all that we do!
And shape the contours of that day of presentation by what we do on this day which is unfolding before us.
How are we living honest, charitable, gracious, merciful, and caring lives? As we seek to love and serve God in and around us?
This weekend, we will hear this story of Mary presenting Jesus at the temple .
Here is our example, of a life fully yielded to God, to love, In dedication to the highest cause of goodness, humanity knows!
It brought awe and wonder to those who witnessed it! May our deeds of love and caring that we do today, bring similar adoration.
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