• Why do Christians bless marriages?


    Why do Christians bless marriages?

    Why does God care if you marry somebody or not?

    It boils down to human happiness, and the scientific conclusion that the happiest moments of our lives involve relationships.

    Research says, and our own experience concludes, that there's nothing that brings us more joy than the friendship, nurture, and love we find in and with other people.

    And when we find our person: we find the more we invest in them, the more our happiness grows.
    At one point Jesus quoted the Book of Genesis and this idea of two becoming one flesh, which suggests an Apex of Union and an apex of happiness!

    This is why divorce, for most people, is so devastating!

    In the beginning, for most, there were high hopes, big dreams, that just didn't work out.

    It's why the brokenness that many divorced people have, or continue to feel can be so traumatic,

    And this is why Jesus, and Christians, have always urged caution before breaking up.

    Jesus said I came to bring you life and life more abundantly, Christians bless marriages because God wants to make us happy, as the psalmist says, God rejoices in the joy of God's children.

    God is invested in our deepest relationships, let's invest in them as well!

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