• Forgiveness and Failure


    What will be the good news to those grandparents in Newaygo who, last week, left an unlocked and loaded weapon within reach of a toddler, resulting in the child's death?

    The legal system, their neighbors, their family will understandably condemn, judge, and vilify this couple who are already punishing themselves, more than likely, much more harshly than anyone else.

    Two weeks after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples and declared his mission: 'that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed.'

    There is a place for judgment, it needs to happen.
    But we often go overboard - and make our sins our identity: we did something bad, hence we are bad.

    The Risen Christ won't have it.
    Of course those grandparents did a bad thing.
    But does that make them bad people?

    The Resurrection helps us separate bad deeds from good people.
    It puts into perspective our divinity and humanity.

    Don't let judgment overshadow forgiveness.

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