• You Are Chosen!


    When my friend the millionaire came over for dinner, she was dressed in a t-shirt and ripped jeans.

    My 7-year-old said, "You don't look like a millionaire!"
    She said, "I don't have to look like a millionaire, I am a millionaire!"

    Many times you and I don't look or feel like the people we are!

    God says we are chosen, we are blessed, we are the apple of God's eye!
    We are provided for, taken care of, and have nothing to worry about!

    Don't believe the lies that you are anything less than royalty!
    You play a unique and invaluable role in God's plan for the universe and are destined for greatness in God's eyes!

    We don't know the truth, God knows the truth, and God says you are chosen and blessed!

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