• The Shepherd’s Care


    When we were going through COVID, didn't it feel like we were trying to live our lives while walking through water up to our necks? Every step was labored, time-consuming, life was exhausting.

    We were scared, full of anxiety,
    we were utterly dependent on others, thank God for essential workers,
    and we were really clueless about where this whole thing was going.

    Even now, while COVID is not the threat it once was, it still feels like we're walking through the water, maybe not up to our necks, but certainly up to our knees.
    There's a lingering anxiety, dependency, and lack of awareness as to where things are going - and this is all now simply part of daily life.

    This Sunday is called Good Shepherd Sunday, it is full of pastoral imagery of sheep and shepherds.
    And while we are not reminded of how much sheep smell, or how warm their sweaters can be,
    we are reminded that sheep are a very fearful and skittish sort.
    We're reminded of how utterly dependent they are on the shepherd and on others to care for them.
    And we're reminded of how unaware and unable they are to predict or even cope with the future.

    Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

    Fear, dependence, and a lack of awareness.

    And what's curious is that Jesus's solution to these clueless sheep, is not to provide weapons or high walls to assuage fear,
    Nor does he instantly provide a lifetime's worth of food and water,
    Nor does he give the sheep superhuman intelligence and savvy insight to better predict the future.

    No, Jesus gives himself,
    He asks them, and us, to put our trust in his assurances of protection, his promises to provide for us, and his invitation to trust him for our future.

    Fear, dependence, and a lack of awareness.
    God knows who we are and gives us the shepherd to accompany us on the journey.

    Let us entrust our fears, dependency, and futures to the Shepherd’s care. 

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