• How Are You Going to Get Healthy in 2023?


    How Are You Going to Get Healthy in 2023?

    If your mind immediately went to diet and exercise then that's a sign of where we need to start.

    You see, you and I have been sold a bill of goods that says our health is primarily gauged by how we look, what we own, who we know, and the experiences we've had.

    Invest in these things, we're told, and you are one of life's winners. So we do that, individually and communally, and this is what we have:

    A country that's got more than enough resources to feed, clothe, educate, house, and care for its sick and elderly - but doesn't.

    An expensive and expansive government that rewards greed, fraud and deception, placating those who have enough and ignoring those who don't.

    An increasingly divided and isolated society where loneliness runs rampant, one recent study claiming its effects equal a two pack a day smoking habit.

    Our systems are broken because we're broken.

    We reward with 'likes' the skinny, rich, and suntanned - who, on the inside are insecure, unhappy, and flat out scared - so that the popular and prosperous are held up as models and examples to a populace that is too slow to awaken to the fact that being well adjusted to a sick society is not a sign of health.

    Getting healthy starts inside, when we connect with that voice and urge that points us to goodness, kindness, and love.

    It starts by standing up to that sick society, boldly declaring our disinterest in its values and aspirations, and looking at effective and practical ways to order our lives toward the good, toward the light.

    The Jesus Way is that path.

    We know instinctively that love is the answer and that reading, watching, listening to, and hanging around the things that point us to the light is what works.

    So what will this look like for us in 2023?
    What are our next steps?
    How will we define, and strive, toward true health? 

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