• Lost and Found


    We recently set up a gravestone exhibit on our back lawn here at church to help us count the number of victims of gun violence in Oakland County this year - we are trying to make ourselves more compassionate and mindful of our neighbors who fall victim to, what has been called a national epidemic.

    What struck a lot of people was observing the large number of folks in our community who died by suicide. We venture to say these are folks who were in pain, who perhaps felt hopeless, all alone, people Jesus may have called lost.

    This Sunday we will hear Jesus talk more about the lost.

    These are those who, for whatever reason, are not where they are supposed to be, not where they want to be, not in a comfortable, safe place - they are worried, troubled, don't know where to go, and can't find their way anyhow.

    Sure, they are the suicidal, the drunks, the addicts, the thieves, and prostitutes, but they are also parents, students, businessman, and nurses - all of us who wander from the Shepherd's path, choosing our own way instead of God's.

    Getting lost happens to us all, and God has something very profound to say about that.

    God says, 
    'I have not forgotten you. 
    'You have not slipped my mind. 
    'On the contrary, your predicament is my obsession: 
    'I am currently working overtime to get you out of your jam. 
    ;Like a Shepherd who leaves 99 sheep behind, to chase after the Lost One, hang on. 
    'I'm looking for you and I'm determined to find you.'

    So friends, don't give up.
    Don't lose hope.
    Your contentment is God's mission.
    You're thriving is God's intent.
    Your restoration is God's goal.
    You are sought after.
    You will be found.
    You are worth all of God's time and energy to find. 

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