• When Stress Is Good


    There's a new research study out that touts the benefits of stress.

    While there are many reasons to lessen stress in our lives and to seek release from anxiety, we are reminded that total freedom from worry is not only impossible, but unwanted.

    This study, done with Navy SEAL candidates, found that those who looked at stress, not as a mountain to be conquered or a foe to be vanquished, but as a positive motivator to do better, as a gift, or friend, to help us reach our highest potential, were much more likely to perform successfully on physical and mental tests. To quote one SEAL, “I look at these things as obstacles to overcome that will make it easier to overcome other, more important obstacles, that life will bring my way."

    This Sunday, you and I will hear Jesus talk about the stress-inducing aspects of being a disciple, when our faith costs us relationships and ambitions. It’s about the disruption that happens when fundamental change occurs. Instead of offering us relief from stress, urging us to lay our burdens on him, we are reminded that taking Jesus at his word will cause us stress, but that stress is not necessarily bad.

    Standing up to the bully, sticking up for the oppressed, pointing out the hypocrisy, and lifting up the truth: that love, forgiveness, and the pursuit of heavenly things trumps the pursuit of worldly things - these are all stressful things to do - and invite us to ask:

    In what ways are we being invited to take the uncomfortable and unpopular stance of standing up to a racist joke; Not denigrating an opponent; Or pushing back against peer pressure to compromise on honesty and forgiveness - believing that these are not obstacles and challenges, but practice for living more purposeful and productive lives — that if we can work our way through these challenges, we’ll be better prepared for the next ones that come our way?

    God is using us - and everything around us - to bring to earth a kingdom of peace and reconciliation - something in which we play irreplaceable roles. So let us not be discouraged by the stress it brings, but use it to make us better.

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