• Highway to Heaven


    The highway to heaven has a lot of exit ramps.

    Here we are driving along, and all of a sudden up pops a project, a hobby, a relationship, etc. And it becomes so absorbing we have to pull off the highway and check it out. This can take a few minutes, a few days, a few years...

    Stay long enough and we form new habits, opinions, and even lifestyles that keep us preoccupied, distracted, and off the highway - so that our pursuit of Christ - which is our heart's desire - gets sidelined.

    Been there, done that?

    But while the highway to heaven has a lot of off ramps, it also has a lot of on-ramps.

    These are the invitations we get to come back to Christ - which is what Lent is all about - to pray, ponder scripture, choose Godly influences, and pursue acts of goodness and kindness to others.

    God is nudging us, inpiring us, and encouraging us in all sorts of ways to take the on-ramp and get back on the highway.

    So where are we?
    What gets us off the highway?
    What gets us back on?

    And how might we better stay focused so that we don't get off that road in the first place? 

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