• A Peaceful World Evolves Not From Vice, But From Virtue


    I watched a woman pull out a Kleenex and dab a tear from her eye as she read the latest update on the tragedy in the Ukraine.

    I saw a post from a pastor on Twitter garner thousands of likes earlier this week when he lobbied for an end to U.S. imports of Russian oil.

    And I heard the news reports of unprecedented unity in our congress, especially these days, around legislation poised to constrain the aggressor in Ukraine, as well as aid war victims.

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine has set off a barrage of strong emotion, and not simply vengeance, violence, and retribution, but of sympathy, compassion, empathy, and heartfelt lament.

    Putin's flagrant power grab has revealed an amazing depth of worldwide compassion and care for others that we must highlight and build upon.

    The outrage we are feeling against Injustice and innocent suffering must be channeled to build the peaceful world that Jesus asks us to bring down from heaven. And that world is not built by selfishness, greed, and taking from our neighbor something that isn't ours.

    It is built upon the shoulders of our better angels, mutual respect, honesty, and a determination to work for the common good.

    A peaceful world, a compassionate world, a world that I want to live in, evolves not from vice, but virtue.

    So, in this second week of Lent, our season of studying and mirroring the virtues of Christ, what does this say to us?

    How are we being called to resist selfishness and division, and to not resist a generous, empathetic, and compassionate urge?
    What does that look like for you and me? What can we do, today, to obey those inclinations of generosity, care for others, and empathy not just for Ukraine, but for our own worlds, our own daily lives?

    We know that love is inside us, how are we going to let it loose? 

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