• Do Whatever He Tells You

    A question I get quite often, is, 'Why did you leave the religion of your youth to become an Episcopalian?'

    Because Jesus called me.

    Why did you leave sunny Southern California to take your first call as a clergyman to go to Battle Creek Michigan?

    Because Jesus called me.

    Why am I serving the same beloved parish in Southfield, Michigan for 13 years now and counting?

    Because Jesus has called me.

    Today I celebrate the 20th anniversary of my ordination into the Episcopal priesthood. And if there's anything I have learned through all of my mistakes, failures, and foibles, is to do my best to follow Jesus - to trust Jesus, to prioritize my attempts to imitate his example and heed his call.

    We see a shadow of this in Sunday's gospel, which tells the story of Jesus' very first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding reception. The story features an interaction between Mary and Jesus in which Mary gives probably the best instruction in Christianity I know of when, referring to Jesus, she tells the gathered servants, "Do whatever he tells you."

    I realize how difficult it is to discern God's voice, especially amidst the noisy environment of social media, digital technology, and an increasingly fast pace of modern life; we live distracted lives.

    I also realize how imperfect we are (I am!) at figuring out what God wants us to do at any specific point.

    But how much more important it is for you and I to follow Mary's advice and 'do whatever he tells you.'

    How might we do that?
    What does that sound like in your life today?

    See you Sunday - and thank you for your terrific support!


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